Here's To You
We have met so many amazing people since the New Year dawned; recipients, new community partners and boutique shoppers.
We were introduced to 100 Women Who Care Grey-Bruce and many of us have joined. I encourage you to join too. Last quarter, their organization donated $29,000.00 to the Salvation Army in Wiarton. That’s 290 women who care!
We met with our new community partner, YMCA Settlement and Language Service group and with Owen Sound Skin and Laser Co. And this month we’ll meet more potential community partners via the multiple community services made available by our local YMCA.
We had incredible conversations with couples, groups of women and families who visited our shop; many of whom donated such lovely clothing. Our board member, Margit Berne from Sunpoint in Owen Sound gave us some lovely new mannequin forms and her neighbour at bare birch donated two more beautiful dress forms and two fabulous prom dresses.
What overwhelms us every day, is the care and compassion evident in each person we meet. I think we are blessed to run a charity because we seem to hear more about how people are caring for others. Maybe people just feel more comfortable sharing how they are serving in our community, when they share their stories with us in our shop. There’s a spirit of Love lingering in our tiny boutique that is rich and warm. It comes in with our visitors and sticks around. You can feel it. Thank you for sharing your Love stories with us. They make us treasure each day, just a little bit more.
Speaking of Love…
Our friend Delores Sullivan, founder of Sisters on Huron, dropped some love on us so we could pass it off to you. She donated sets of fresh water pearl necklaces, earrings and matching bracelets - all with the hopes that we would give them away to anyone who makes a cash donation of $25 or more. Aren’t they lovely! Thank you Delores. Your support means the world to us.
Operation Confidence: Love from Owen Sound Skin & Laser Co.
We are so grateful for the care and support of our new community partner: Owen Sound Skin & Laser Co. Our recipients in need of their incredible services are in for a beautiful surprise. Thank you so much to you Mindy Biggar and to your loving clients for this incredible service to those we serve.
Share The Love for Prom
Do you have formal gowns or suits you’d love to see go to a good home? Donate them to us and we’ll give them away at our free Prom Pop-Up, coming this March to high schools across Grey/Bruce.
TenThirtyFive Tuesday are back!
Every Tuesday in February, TenThirtyFive Grey/Bruce gives you 35% off - store wide. 35% off Winter apparel, warm weather wear, new Spring styles - even purses to jewellery - everything is 35% off - every Tuesday.
Our Inaugural AGM
The TenThirtyFive Grey/Bruce Board of Directors invites anyone interested to join us for our Annual General Meeting. It is planned for Monday February 24th from 6:30pm to 7:00pm. It will be hosted on Zoom. The link to this public meeting can be found on the front page of our website.